Community Update
Community Update September 2021:
Personalized in store appointments are available again here. We also have Walk-In Fridays, welcoming customers without any appointments 11 am to 6pm. Online shopping is available as it always has been, 24/7.
We always offer free delivery by Canada Post for orders over $100, but if you live within walking or driving distance, select free local pickup as your shipping option. We’ll send you an email with the details of how to pick up your order. By selecting free local pickup, you’ll not only have access to your purchase faster, but you’ll also be supporting us more robustly as it cuts out the middleman.
Free Local Pickup Hours: Tuesday to Saturday: 11-6
Just knock on the door if it's not open and let us know that you're picking up. We may be working in the back.
For Sizing Questions:
Please see our new master sizing guide based the Minimal shoe brands we carry and our own expertise fitting hundreds of people. This is the resource we use and have found it very helpful. Or call or email your specific questions if you don't see them answered. We're here to help.
Big Picture:
Given the high number of COVID cases and new super-spreading variants and the many unvaccinated, the situation is still serious and we all have to do our part. The sacrifices we make now are investments in our community’s future, and when we think about the front line workers, it's not that big of a sacrifice after all.
We're here to answer questions about transitioning to Minimal, footwear sizing, and the diverse array of models we carry online. If you've been wondering about Minimal Footwear and want to do more research, this is a great time as there is a lot of free information available now online from movement experts.
If you’re looking for wellness advice to reach your 2021 resolutions, we’re always happy to recommend resources from free info to one-on-one classes and services. We receive no kickbacks from any of these professionals; it’s our way of living our values to help you out by pointing to those we’ve learned from.
Our Safety Measures:
We continue to adapt how we work to the best risk management protocols possible, some of which includes: moving customer service staff to work-from-home, mandatory masks for staff whose work must be done in person, frequent disinfecting and hand hygiene, adherence to social distancing, and as little contact as possible when assisting customers for order pick ups and exchange drop offs. Part of what we do is helping folks engage with their best wellness practices, and that means health is a priority to us!
How We’re Doing:
Like other small, independent businesses in our area, the restrictions have been a challenge that’s forced us to innovate and get creative. We are very grateful to our online and our local customers.
We came up with the appointment system by necessity. But we discovered that it's actually a better way for us to help our customers. Without interruptions, the 1 on 1 visits allow staff to focus on each customer's particular needs and conditions. We're finding fewer size exchanges and more satisfied customers. So we plan to keep that model and expand to have more appointment times available in the future.
I wish all of you and your families strong immunity & good health. Keep Active! Keep Positive! Keep Healthy!
See You Soon,
Leslie Padorr
Owner, Cool East Market