

Order Processing:

We’ll process your order as soon as we can, usually within 2 of our business days (Tuesday - Saturday). Our products are shipped directly from our Toronto location. Orders within Canada can be expected to ship within 2 business days, and International orders ship weekly.

When we print your shipping label and your package is ready to ship, you’ll get an email notification with the tracking number and relevant info.

If you made a mistake while ordering, such as ordering the wrong size or colour, please let us know at at your earliest convenience.

Shipping Options:

Discounted Flat Rate according to Region via Canada Post

We are introducing Discounted Flat Rates for customers based on where you live in Canada.

Once your cart total reaches $100* or $200, a flat rate will be applied to your check-out based on your postal code.

The flat rates include: free, $5, $10, and $15 (based on your cart total and where you live)

*if your cart total is under $100, regular Expedited shipping will be applied

Why the new shipping rates?

This new tiered flat rate system was created based on a need for our small business to catch up with rising costs of shipping, whilst also giving our customers a better shipping rate than if they were to pay at full cost. To make this fairer for everyone, we created these flat rates based on the region of the shipping address, as shipping costs are determined by region.

Local Delivery via Trexity

If you are in the GTA, you can choose the Local Delivery option at check-out.
We use a delivery service called Trexity that is based in Toronto. The order will arrive within 1-2 business days and it will be delivered by a courier straight to your destination. You will also receive an email or text letting you know when it's been delivered.

Local Pick-Up   

You can also arrange to pick up directly from our store in Toronto and eliminate the shipping charge. Just choose the Free Local Pickup as your shipping option. You will receive an email letting you know when your order is ready to be picked up. When you arrive, let us know your name and/or order number.  


International Shipping

International orders are shipped through a Canadian border shipping service called Chit Chats. It is calculated based on the total weight of your order and your destination. You will be able to see the price before paying during online check-out. Once the shipping label has been printed, you will receive an email with tracking number and relevant info.


Shipping Troubleshooting:

If you experience an issue with shipping such as getting a message that your parcel has been delivered when it hasn’t, please contact us at so we can look into it for you. We’ll ask you to check a few things and then look into it with the relevant shipping service.

Custom Shipping Services:

For large orders or to arrange other shipping options such as courier please contact us directly and well in advance at

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Best Barefoot Shoe Retailer Winner

Community Feedback Highlights

  • Knowledgeable and helpful staff
  • Responsive, personal assistance
  • Wide range of styles and sizes
  • Transition-friendly for those new to barefoot shoes
  • Special attention to customers' foot health
  • Easy return process
  • Convenient for those who aren't local
  • Efficient restock alert system
  • Highly recommended to visit in person
  • Friendly atmosphere
  • Convenient location

On the Marc & Mandy Show